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Setting up Email Autoresponders in cPanel Print

  • Autoresponders, domain, domains, email, cPanel, accounts, configuration
  • 0

Autoresponders is where you can configure an email account to send automated emails. So if you are away from any device, you can have a message be sent in a time frame you wish. To get started, follow the steps below

If you have not yet set up cPanel, Click Here to log in


Step 1: In your Tools menu, go to your Email section, then click "Autoresponders"

Setting Up Autoresponders 1


Step 2: In the Interval field, enter the amount of hours between the recipient of the incoming email and the sending of the autoresponse message. Enter "0"(zero) to always respond to messages immediately. Enter an email address to set an autoresponder

Setting Up Autoresponders 2


Step 3: Compose your message and choose the durration. Click [Create] when completed

Setting Up Autoresponders 3


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