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Setting up Email Filters in cPanel Print

  • filters, filter, Email, Email Filters, manage, domain, domains, address, cPanel
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To get started in using Email Filters, continue with the steps below

If you have not yet set up cPanel, Click Here to log in


Step 1: In your Tools menu, go to your Email section, then click "Default Address"

Setting Up Deafult Address In cPanel Step 1


Step 2: You can manage the filters in any account you have by clicking "Manage Filters" under Actions

Setting Up Deafult Address In cPanel Step 2


Step 3: Click [Create a New Filter] for the selected email account

Setting Up Deafult Address In cPanel Step 3


Step 4: Give the filter a unique name that is different than other filters you may have

Setting Up Deafult Address In cPanel Step 3


Step 5: Select the rules for this particular email account

Setting Up Deafult Address In cPanel Step 3


Step 6: Click [Create] when completed

Setting Up Deafult Address In cPanel Step 3


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