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Setting up Email Account Forwarders in cPanel Print

  • Tools, Forwarders, Email Account, Email Account Forwarders, system account, cPanel, domain, domains
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To get started in setting up Email Account Forwarders, continue below

If you have not yet set up cPanel, Click Here to log in


Step 1: In your Tools menu, go to your Email section where you will then click on "Forwarders"

Setting up Forwarders In cPanel Step 1


Step 2: Choose an available address that is going to be forwarded to the destination you select

Setting up Forwarders In cPanel Step 2


You have also more choices by clicking Advanced Options

Setting up Forwarders In cPanel Info Step 3


Step 3: You have three additional options which is "Forward to a system account", "Pipe to a system account" or "Discard". The last choice destroys the forwarded email address without notifying you. Click [Add Forwarder] when you are completed

Setting up Forwarders In cPanel Step 4


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