A Brief History of Earth Day

Today marks the celebration of the 52nd Earth Day! The first Earth Day on April 22nd, 1970, marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement. Over 190 countries are engaged every year in celebrating Earth Day. Earth Day originated as teach-ins on college campuses, an initiative spearheaded...

Airplane Mode is a Neat Little Function

You may have noticed the little airplane icon on your phone at some point. What is it, and why would you want to use it? Airplane mode That little icon is airplane mode. Airplane mode turns off all wireless transmissions: cellular, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, and Near Field Communication (NFC). In...

Reducing Eye Strain From Screens

Have you been working on your Hotwire Networks hosted website for a while? Are your eyes feeling tired or dry? Maybe your vision is a little soft or blurry? We all do it, work too long at the computer, and our eyes are mush. Without screens, we blink 15-20 times...

Preparing to Launch your E-Commerce Site

More people are shopping online than ever before. The pandemic accelerated the number of people shopping online across the world. An astounding 49 % of the current 2 billion active shoppers are choosing to go online more actively now than before the pandemic, making this the ideal time to establish...

Cringe-Worthy Virtual Meeting Moments

The world has begun moving forward past the pandemic. We've settled into the routine, figured out the various meeting apps, and watched as the world moved to virtual business models. Some people are back working from the company offices while others continue to work remotely. But, virtual meetings are here...