What is a Virtual Private Server (VPS)?

A Virtual Private Server offers you the control of dedicated servers, the scalability of cloud servers, and the affordability of shared hosting.

What is a VPS

To understand the benefits of a VPS, we must first understand the organization of a VPS. A VPS uses the resources of either a single dedicated server or a hub of cloud servers. It then splits this server up into compartments, where each compartment is its own VPS.

A VPS allows you to customize your allotted space within a server to meet your specific needs, as opposed to shared hosting. With a VPS, you can utilize different scripting languages and operating systems specific to the requirements of your website, rather than being limited to the OS already on the server.

Advantages of a VPS


A VPS allows you to customize resources to your site’s requirements. When purchasing a VPS, you can fully customize RAM, CPU cores, bandwidth, and storage within your VPS. The customization a VPS offers makes it possible for you to purchase only the resources you need.


With a VPS, you aren’t responsible for the server’s physical maintenance, power, and upkeep. Since your VPS is operating on a dedicated server or through a cloud server, your company will not be responsible for the general maintenance and upkeep of the server. This allows you to spend your time and money focused on other elements of your business rather than worrying about the technical supervision of the physical server.


A VPS is a lower-cost option for several reasons. First, you are only paying for the resources you need. You won’t find yourself paying for features you don’t use because you can tailor your servers’ resources to meet your specific requirements.

Second, Since a VPS is still a semi-shared hosting option, the overall cost of the server is divided between all the users of the various VPSs on the server.

Finally, because you are not responsible for the maintenance of the entire server, you won’t have to factor in the cost of powering, storing, and maintaining the server into your hosting cost. Additionally, because you are not buying or renting an entire server, you are not locked into a long and expensive contract for a server that may or may not meet your potentially varying requirements.

Disadvantages of a VPS

Shared environment

While a VPS allows you complete control of your portion of a server’s resources, it is still a shared environment. Because of this, you may find your performance fluctuates based on other users’ activity within the larger server.

Variable resources

Although you can upgrade, downgrade, and customize resources to meet your needs, the resources specified may be less reliable than you would see with a dedicated server. When you purchase a dedicated server, you know exactly how much power you get with your resources, as outside factors will not be affecting or limiting you as much. However, with a VPS, you are still reliant on the power of the larger server that the VPS is hosted on, and you can be influenced by more factors like the other users on the larger server.

More information on additional hosting options, including shared hosting, cloud servers, and dedicated servers, can be found on our blog. Hotwire Networks offers numerous VPS, cloud, and dedicated server hosting options to meet your businesses’ growing demands.