Celebrate Earth Day by Reducing your Energy Use

With Earth Day comes our reminder to find new ways to take care of the planet. Although energy use from technology has become pretty unavoidable, we can always use the growing options available to reduce our carbon footprint.

Here are some options to consider to engage in the digital world in an eco-friendlier way and potentially reduce your carbon footprint.

Make use of the cloud

As we know, reducing paper use has been a significant advantage of modernizing our workspaces and lives. Likewise, using eBooks, keeping notes digital, and prioritizing digital content over physical, have been an avenue of pollution reduction brought via technology.

Similarly, as cloud technologies expand, we can use them to reduce our environmental impact further. The cloud has allowed consumers to use vastly fewer servers and power than before, reducing carbon emissions by an estimated 88% when choosing the cloud. Cloud storage is a very efficient and easy-to-use option and doing so will have the added benefit of reducing your environmental impact.

Use newer technology

While buying new devices just for the sake of it isn’t advised, updating technology where it is necessary will reduce your environmental impact. Whether it’s your computer, phone, or dishwasher, newer devices are more energy-efficient than old devices. Energy efficiency directly contributes to how eco-friendly a device is, so trying to use only the most energy-efficient appliances will help you enjoy a greener digital life.

Repurpose and extend the life of old technology

One fundamental way to reduce your carbon footprint is to reduce your waste; extending the life of older devices and repurposing old devices, rather than throwing them away and purchasing new ones, is an excellent way to be more eco-friendly. For example, you don’t have to update your phone every year, you can replace parts on your computer instead of buying an entirely new machine, and you can hand down old technology to people you know instead.

Recycle old devices

When you are genuinely done with a device, please recycle it instead of tossing it in the trash. Throwing some devices away can be dangerous for the environment, so not only is recycling more eco-friendly, but it is safer too. In addition, recycling devices will make use of whatever remaining utility your old device has, so it isn’t just wasted or cluttering the environment.

Buy technology second hand

When you need to replace a device or buy a new one, investigate the second-hand market first. This keeps clutter out of the market, as people can make use of devices that weren’t going to be used rather than throwing those devices away and introducing only new ones. Plus, buying refurbished or used devices will be more friendly to your wallet.

Keep work remote when you can

Not only are office and workspaces energy-intensive, but all the energy each employee spends commuting to work could be conserved by offering remote work options when possible. Remote work may even make your employees more efficient, rather than spending personal energy and time traveling to work. Not only is remote work more energy-efficient, but it potentially boosts morale and productivity—experiment with what works best for you and your employees.

Clear out your storage

Anything you have stored on a server, on your computer, or in the cloud uses power. Although it may be a negligible amount personally, the toll adds up quickly if you think of all the data every person has saved somewhere. You don’t have to overhaul everything and become a digital minimalist, just clear out what you don’t need and make it a habit. Your devices and the planet will thank you.